Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Keebler Shananigans: Elf Adventures 2015

Some days are easier than others to come up with ideas. 
Thank goodness for social media and friends' ideas!

Day One: Keebler is back and ready for his shenanigans. 
Are you?!? 

Day Two: Fairy and elf games 

Day Three: In our home, when you say "cookies," 
our dogs come running.

Day Four: Got to squeeze in the time to get the laundry done. 
What? You think this is Keebler's only outfit?

Day Five: Keebler, an elf of many trades!

Day Six: Keebler thinks skivvies make great decorations. 

Day Seven: It's going to be a looooong 21 days, 
unless he starts getting more creative ... 
(I wasn't around for editing) 

Day Eight: You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, 
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Bitzen. 
But do you recall, the most famous DRAGON of all?

Day Nine: Homesick Keebler? 
You found a great spot to hide in. 

Day Ten: Finding himself in an unusual situation, 
Keebler tries convincing Spider-Man 
he's one of the good guys.

Day Eleven: It's going to be a beary BEARY scary time!! 

Day Twelve: It was only a few days ago Keebler told 
Spider-Man he was one of the good guys. 

Luckily, he's been caught! 

Day Thirteen: Have to get a good healthy meal in
before I start those shenanigans, right? 

Day Fourteen: It's "ridin' DIRTY" Keebler, not "BIRDY!"

#keeblershenanigans #chamillionaire
#keepyourdayjob #elfontheshelf #notashelfelf

Day Fifteen: Inspired by one of Santa's favorite bedtime stories,
Keebler reenacts a scene from #CharlottesWeb

#keeblershenanigans#elfontheshelf #notashelfelf #WebElf

Day Sixteen: Apparently, sledding is one of the
most popular sports at the North Pole.

Stay humble, Keebler. Stay humble.

#keeblershenanigans #elfontheshelf#notashelfelf #elfolympics

Day Seventeen: Keebler trusted Captain would follow through. 
But his center of balance wasn't where it needed to be. 
Happens to us all at some point, Keebler. Falling makes you a better rider.

#ShowJumpingElf #EquestrianProblems
#elfontheshelf #notashelfelf #keeblershenanigans

Day Eighteen: Delicious seasonal 2 story house, 0 bdrm, 0 ba with an open floor plan in a friendly neighborhood. Features include gumdrop toppings, Golden Graham roofing, and sugar coating throughout. Fenced in yard perfect for your snowmen! This one will go quickly! One look and you'll think this is the yummiest home you've ever seen.

#REMAX #realestate #holidayhome#elfontheshelf #notashelfelf #keeblershenanigans#SOLD

Day Nineteen: all the Safari friends were wrapped up in
Keebler's tall tales book on safari outings.
#keeblershenanigans #notashelfelf#ThisElfTellsTallTales

Day Twenty: Healthy lifestyle starting with free weights.
All the #keeblershenanigans take a lot of energy to accomplish.
Plus, this bod doesn't just happen by pure magic!

#workoutelf #notashelfelf#healthyelf

Day Twenty-One: Time to play a game of Where's Waldo ... elf-style! 

Day Twenty-Two: Keebler and his agility dog, Aria, are a great team.
"It's all about the journey" states Keebler.

#RunFastRunClean #KeeblerShenanigans#notashelfelf #AgilityElf

Day Twenty-Three: Keebler enjoys mushing as much as the next elf. 

Day Twenty-Four: Here fishy, fishy...!
Now maybe you'll believe Keebler when he says he caught one thiiiiiiiiiis big?!

#KeeblerShenanigans #fisherelf#fishstory #bassfishing #notashelfelf

Day Twenty-Five: Keebler is just hanging out with his friends.
You could say he is a fan of fun!

#TurnItUp #KeeblerShenanigans #elfontheshelf#notashelfelf

Day Twenty-Six: Keebler might not be known for getting the words right,
but he definitely has great adventures!

#ZipLiningElf #outdoorsyelf#elfontheshelf #notashelfelf #KeeblerShenanigans

Final Day of Shenanigans (Day Twenty-Seven):
Seems Keebler is leaving with a big finale! Not one, but two shenanigans!
Way to be remembered, Keebler!

#UntilNextYear #MayThereBeANextYear #MayTheOddsBeEverInOurFavor
#MayTheForceBeWithYou #MayWeComeUpWithFreshIdeasForNextYear
#elfontheshelf #notashelfelf #KeeblerShenanigans

Monday, January 19, 2015

Keebler Shananigans: Elf Adventures 2014

This Elf has adventures for sure! But there is a little extra humor for all the adults in the comments and hashtags. You'll notice that as we get more stretched for creativity in set up, hashtags are more reliant upon for humor. Be sure to read below each and every  shenanigan.

Hope you enjoy this year's adventures!

"You're not the only one loves horses" Keebler taunts from atop the mantle. He's baaaaaack!! Get ready for another mischievous and entertaining Christmas season. After all, as long as she believes, he'll come back!

Keebler doesn't remember the "exact" events, but he does remember waking up here...


"I can see the whole LIVING ROOM from up here!!" Keebler squealed with delight. Good thing he landed before Little Miss woke up in the morning, only to find him with a perma-smile still lingering on his elvish face.



Keebler is more of a "springtime elf" than a "winter elf." 
Goes right to the source (EB = Easter Bunny) to negotiate his hours.


The artist Keebler shows his love for playing soccer with his Little Miss,
even though he's never played, ever.



Guess we caught Keebler before he was ready. Glad we didn't walk in 5 min earlier!!!


You're not fooling anyone, Keebler. We built those a while ago.


Keebler must have snuck back in the wee hours of the am. 
Anyone know if elves get hangovers?



It's always Happy Hour with this elf! Snow White drank a little much, 
as you can see from her hair in disarray.



Don't try this at home. Don't try this outside of your home. Don't try this at all! #KeeblerShenanigans

Little Miss thinks he's kidding. Not everyone can be go-go-go all the time though.

Well, he certainly finds entertainment around the house...!

Apparently this elf was not only born AFTER 1964, but just hasn't seen the classic movie, Mary Poppins. Or he's lying. #PantsOnFire

All our dog loving friends will appreciate this one. 
Seems Keebler trained the dogs
... or they trained him. 

Upon seeing this, Little Miss replied frankly, "He's a dater." 
He sure knows the sweet spot for the ladies' hearts. 

"So they needed an extra model for this Photoshoot ... and I was needing some extra Christmas money ... they promised I wouldn't be in the front ... and that's what REALLY happened!"

Keebler the Negotiator in action: quick thinking allowed him to get out of a bad situation.

Keebler, can you find another song? We've heard this one one time too many.