This Elf has adventures for sure! But there is a little extra humor for all the adults in the comments and hashtags. You'll notice that as we get more stretched for creativity in set up, hashtags are more reliant upon for humor. Be sure to read below each and every shenanigan.
Hope you enjoy this year's adventures!
"You're not the only one loves horses" Keebler taunts from atop the mantle. He's baaaaaack!! Get ready for another mischievous and entertaining Christmas season. After all, as long as she believes, he'll come back!
Keebler doesn't remember the "exact" events, but he does remember waking up here...
"I can see the whole LIVING ROOM from up here!!" Keebler squealed with delight. Good thing he landed before Little Miss woke up in the morning, only to find him with a perma-smile still lingering on his elvish face.
Keebler is more of a "springtime elf" than a "winter elf."
Goes right to the source (EB = Easter Bunny) to negotiate his hours.
The artist Keebler shows his love for playing soccer with his Little Miss,
even though he's never played, ever.
even though he's never played, ever.
Our household to Keebler, "Keep your day job!"
Guess we caught Keebler before he was ready. Glad we didn't walk in 5 min earlier!!!
You're not fooling anyone, Keebler. We built those a while ago.
Keebler must have snuck back in the wee hours of the am.
Anyone know if elves get hangovers?
Anyone know if elves get hangovers?
It's always Happy Hour with this elf! Snow White drank a little much,
as you can see from her hair in disarray.
as you can see from her hair in disarray.
Don't try this at home. Don't try this outside of your home. Don't try this at all! #KeeblerShenanigans
Little Miss thinks he's kidding. Not everyone can be go-go-go all the time though.
Well, he certainly finds entertainment around the house...!
Apparently this elf was not only born AFTER 1964, but just hasn't seen the classic movie, Mary Poppins. Or he's lying. #PantsOnFire
All our dog loving friends will appreciate this one.
Seems Keebler trained the dogs
... or they trained him.
Upon seeing this, Little Miss replied frankly, "He's a dater."
He sure knows the sweet spot for the ladies' hearts.
"So they needed an extra model for this Photoshoot ... and I was needing some extra Christmas money ... they promised I wouldn't be in the front ... and that's what REALLY happened!"
Keebler the Negotiator in action: quick thinking allowed him to get out of a bad situation.
Keebler, can you find another song? We've heard this one one time too many.
Keebler still hasn't learned the lesson
Coffee = Life
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